When working on industrial, commercial, and residential concrete floor coating jobs, painters are often left with leftover materials like epoxy floor paint. The leftover epoxy floor paint that the team at Smith and Company uses is a two component material where part A is mixed with part B. So what do painters do with their leftover epoxy floor paint?
If the leftover epoxy material hasn’t been mixed yet, then the team can easily save those materials for a future paint coating job. However, if the epoxy coat isn’t expected to be used in the future or the material is already mixed, it can be easily disposed in a safe and environmentally friendly way.
There are two ways that painters can safely dispose of epoxy and other similar materials. If the materials have been mixed, it causes a chemical reaction that makes the material harden into a solid mass. Once the material is a solid, painters can simply throw it in the garbage where it will be taken to a local landfill. Since the materials have been mixed, painters don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals leaking. However, if the materials haven’t been mixed, they leftovers will be taken to a chemical disposal facility where it can be safely disposed.
Here at Smith & Company Flooring, it is very important to us that we dispose all of our leftover materials in an environmentally safe way. Check in with your local painter to see if they dispose of their waste in a safe manner as well!